20 Types of dye materials are selected. Most of them are plants, including flowers, fruits and roots. Two are insects. Two types of mineral are used as mordants.
Chinese: 墨水樹
English: logwood
Scientific Name: Haematoxylum campechianum
Part: Wood
Category: Plant
Logwood is a type of tree native to Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Its scientific name is Haematoxylum campechianum, and it belongs to the Fabaceae family. The tree can grow up to 20 meters tall and produces a dense, durable wood that has been used for a variety of purposes, including furniture, fencing, and shipbuilding.
One of the most notable uses of logwood is as a source of dye. The heartwood of the tree contains a red dye called hematoxylin, which has been used for centuries to color textiles and other materials. In fact, logwood was so valuable as a source of dye that it played a significant role in the development of the economies of Central America and the Caribbean in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Today, logwood continues to be used as a dye, particularly in the textile and paper industries. It is also used in traditional medicine for its antibacterial properties and as a treatment for conditions such as diarrhea and fever. Additionally, logwood extract is sometimes used as a natural food coloring agent.
墨水樹原產於中美洲、墨西哥和加勒比地區。 它的學名是Haematoxylum campechianum,屬豆科植物。 這種樹可長至 20 米高,能生產緻密、耐用的木材,用途廣泛,包括家具、圍欄和造船。
墨水樹最顯著的用途之一是作為染料。樹的心材含有一種叫做蘇木精的紅色染料,它一直用以為紡織品和其他材料上色,持續超過數世紀。 事實上,墨水樹作為染料的來源極具價值,在 17 和 18 世紀的中美洲和加勒比地區經濟發展中發揮重要作用。
時至今天,墨水樹繼續用作染料,特別是在紡織和造紙行業。 它也因其抗菌特性而用於傳統醫學,包括治療腹瀉和發燒等病症。此外,墨水樹提取物有時會用作天然食用色素。
1. Logwood
2. Lac bugs
3. Comfrey
4. Cochineal
5. Madder
6. Connected shell
7. Knotweed
8. Huai Mi
9. pomegranate peel
10. Wormwood
11. Reseda(Weld)
12. winter green
13. cork
14. onion skin
15. chestnut
16. coconut
17. Hanna
18. five companions
19. black bean coat
20. Viola