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20 Types of dye materials are selected. Most of them are plants, including flowers, fruits and roots. Two are insects. Two types of mineral are used as mordants.


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Chinese: 蘇木

English: Sappanwood

Scientific Name: Biancaea sappan

Part: Wood

Category: Plant


Sappanwood, also known as Caesalpinia sappan, is a flowering tree that is native to Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. It is also found in parts of South Asia and the Pacific Islands.


Sappanwood produces a red dye that is obtained from the heartwood of the tree. The dye, which is often called "Brazilwood" or "Sappanwood red," has been used for centuries as a natural colorant for textiles, leather, and other materials. It produces a range of shades of red, from pinkish-red to deep maroon.


In addition to its use as a dye, sappanwood has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, and has been used to treat conditions such as traumatic injuries, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and abdominal pain.


Sappanwood is also valued for its ornamental value and is sometimes grown as a garden plant. It is a relatively small tree, growing up to 6 meters tall, with compound leaves and yellow flowers that bloom in the spring.








蘇木還因其觀賞價值而受到重視,有時會作為園林植物種植。它是小喬木,可長到 6 米高,有複葉和黃色花朵,在春天開花。

 1.  Logwood

 2.  Lac bugs

 3.  Comfrey

 4.  Cochineal

 5.  Madder

 6.  Connected shell

 7.  Knotweed

 8.  Huai Mi

 9.  pomegranate peel

10. Wormwood

11. Reseda(Weld)

12. winter green

13. cork

14. onion skin

15. chestnut

16. coconut

17. Hanna

18. five companions

19. black bean coat

20. Viola



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